The Department of Mathematics plays a vital role in the Engineering curriculum as it sharpens the wit of engineers. It takes exhaustive steps and provides cakewalk to the students by training their logical, reasoning and critical thinking. The department also supports the engineering departments by offering core and advance courses in mathematics at the undergraduate level in various semesters.
English reigns supreme among all the other languages in the world. It plays a pivotal role in determining the future of any engineer and has become the part and parcel of the engineering curriculum. The members of staff expand the boundaries of knowledge and wit through their commitment, post-modern teaching methods and creative activities. We, here prune and mould the personality of any student hailing even from the remotest area to be able to communicate in written and spoken English and make them think innovatively.
The Department of Physics plays a vital role in imparting the incredible aspects of basic foundation principles in Science. The department comprises highly qualified staff members and is equipped with well-furnished laboratory. This department is committed to enrich and empower the staff and students by conducting productive and periodic workshops, seminars and conferences. The areas of research interest of the faculty members include Electron Para- magnetic Resonance (EPR), crystal physics, thermodynamic properties of amino acid studies by ultrasonic method. Students are trained in photography, videography, crystallography and multimedia presentation.
The Department of Chemistry is committed to make the students understand the basic concepts of engineering chemical science. It is ubiquitous to human kind as it has nexus with the complex problems in the processes of life. The department comprises of talented members of staff who are well-versed in their fields of inquiry and teaching. The teachers bring up-to-date to cope with the growing demands and the challenging trends of the industry and the research. The department possesses excellent full-fledged laboratory with sophisticated equipment for the students during their course of study.